
By Cr055ie

Green Hairstreak Butterfly

Well what a wonderful day I've had. lie in followed by a walk with the two dogs, Have taken some wonderful shots of them which can be seen on my Flickr site. Dropped the dogs of and spent a couple of hours at Saltfleet and Theddlethorpe Nature Reserve still trying to capture a shot of the elusive cuckoo. Delighted though because I managed to get a shot or three of Marsh Harrier. Not good enough for my blip, but good enough to confirm my sighting for Bird Freaks. I also got a rather nice pic of a meadow pipit, and the green hairstreak butterfly which is the subject of today's blip.

Finally the late afternoon was spent in Cleethorpe, fish and chips on the beach and a visit to the doggy paddling pool at Cleethopres Country Park. I was hoping to get a shot of two of the swans and their cygnets but they were no where to be seen. I did get one or two beautiful great crested grebe shots.

The bird pics are lovely, but I felt you all needed a change, so the photo of choice today is the hairstreak. Hope you like it.

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