Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

Robbie, Master of the Roux.

Well, the electronic anklet is off, and so am I.

Havent been out the door in days, it seems...

Joes was the obvious destination, but....
All the Usual Suspects were either snowed-in or turfed-out.

So, into the kitchen, to get the low-down on the nosebag, and there was Robbie.

Robbie is One Mad Bastard, a combination of Gordon Ramsay and Gene Wilder, born in a stable in the County Kildare, and addicted to slow horses and fast women ever since.

A man with a one-track, horse-track, dirt-track mind.

M; "Whats the craic, Robbie?"
R; " I'm sick as a small hospital"
M; " Well, if you only have yourself to blame..."
R; " I have a dose, you poxbottle"
M; "Take tablets, then, washed down with a warm one"
R; " I've been tryin to get Catherine (the other chef) into one of the rooms upstairs, to sweat it out of meself, like..."
M; "Would you not be afraid of getting a worse dose,then, Robbie?..."

Exit, stage left, very quickly.

And now I'm starving....

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