Just the two of us..

A horrible grey, low cloud start to the day, so decided to go pointing in the shed. Got on very well, and can now re-build shelves next to my array of filling cabinets.

Weather improved during the day, and G took Tanni down to the village to deliver some eggs we were short of last night. Then a run on the beach.

My computers been on all day downloading maps still. A powercut overnight tuner the broadband off, and didn't reconnect until I started it off again this morning.

G took this photo with her tablet, thought it was too cute not to share. Dora and Tanni having a nap in the basket!..

Mum got back from hospital at 1 am this morning. I cannot believe the hospital, having kept her in for x-rays, blood tests etc, then released her at half past midnight. Got a text from y brother to say they were home. Phoned them straight away, and all was well, although she was understandably very tired.. All's well today..


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