Mr blue sky

It has been a super day. The headache that I woke up with cleared with a few tablets and I just had to put up with a blocked nose. Mike had jobs to do this morning so after cleaning and dusting I watched the newly hatched crows being feed. Hope to blip them soon but my laptop has a malfunction so can only use the iPad. They are quite ugly things with huge beaks and just a few feathers sticking up from their heads.Great to see all four beaks greedily asking for food.
The sun shone even brighter after four so we drove up to Cromarty and grabbed a coffee and cake from the pantry. The views were fantastic, the sea a bright blue with a few kayaks paddling away. We drove down to the hide at udale bay. The tide was out but several shelducks were resting on the bank, one swan and a few lapwing flew around.
Just had tasty chicken for dinner and think I will take a cuppa outside. Hope you all had a good day too :)

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