
By Cr055ie

A beautiful vast wilderness

After work I decided tI needed to get some fresh air so venture to the English nature Theddlethorpe and Saltfleet Reserve again hoping to photograph a couple of dragon flies and maybe a cuckoo.

The picture is of one of the Dunes on the site, there is a nice old man I chatted to for a while in the shot just to indicate the vastness of the place.

I got my dragon flies, two excellent ones of different species, but \I've bored you with a dragon fly pic already this week so didn't choose that. I spotted a cuckoo on a branch, but the joys of DSLR cameras meant I couldn't focus past the surrounding shrubbery in the foreground!!!!!!! I am still learning and this is one of the things I need to learn to work around The shots I would have loved to have posted are just not good enough. I only managed to snap a hobby, taking my bird freaks total to 88 species.

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