Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Destination: Central Coast

At approximately 12:55 this afternoon, we were on the freeway traveling northwest from California's Inland Empire toward the Central Coast. About an hour later we stopped to have a quick lunch at an "In and Out" burger. We left the three pooches in the car and made sure to thoroughly wash our hands before coming back to the car (so they wouldn't know that we had eaten -- yah sure).

An hour later when the highway was quite congested, Mr. Fun did his "normal" panic/stress, and an exit onto the city streets of Santa Barbara, which are not any less stressful. Sheeeesh! The photo of the "house" being pulled onto the street happened at that moment.

So, thankfully, we were on the freeway again traveling in a northward direction. The tunnel is on a section of the road that is just beyond the turn that leads inland toward Buellton, Solvang, and Santa Inez. It was along this portion of the road that Max let us know he was pretty through with riding in the backseat. I think actually he was thirsty.

So Buellton is a regular stopping place for us. We pulled into the McDonald's parking lot; I got out of the car and headed toward the girls room. Mr. Fun parked the car and proceed to get the three K9s out when he realized that we had put these pups in the car without putting their leashes on. They were wearing their harnesses and they were latched into the car's seatbelts, but no leashes.

Thankfully we found a pet store just across the street. We pulled into their parking lot to see the sign that they were closed for remodelling. Well, their door was open and the owner sold us three leashes. He explained that he sells lots of leashes because the store is near several gas stations which are close to the freeway exit, so that reduced our feelings of being complete idiots.

We walked and watered the dogs. Once everyone was satisfied, we put them back into the car and knew that we were 90 minutes from a destination! Woohoo!

We made our exit from the 101 Freeway into San Luis Obispo, turned toward the coast, and soon we were seeing the road sign on Highway #1 that read "Cayucos." We turned at immediate left at the end of the offramp, went under the freeway, turned a sharp right, and soon we were at the top of the hill looking toward the pier, which is not visible because of the late afternoon sun and it's a fairly crummy photo taken quickly as we crested the hill.

We arrived at the house, which we affectionally call "Hank's House" and I was so delighted to see the Hydrangrea plant in full bloom and lovely color. Last season the blossoms had very little color.

On daughter and son-in-law were on their way also. They had left about 3 hours behind us. So I unpacked my things, Mr. Fun made a quick run to the store, and we settled in for a long Memorial Day weekend.

From California's Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Car

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