
I think this is my least favourite phase of childrearing so far. Tantrums are now a daily occurrence with Audrey it seems (if the last few days are anything to go by). They worsen when she's hungry or tired but I think they may be here to stay for a while.

She threw a few wobblers before nursery and then some more when we got home (none there though interestingly!) They aren't about anything in particular but she does get herself in a right tis-was! Today's toddler violence including pinching me really hard. And then, dare I say it, smiling when I said "ow!" Anything that gets her attention really.

Where's my gorgeous little girl gone? Hey ho, just another chapter apparently. Discipline is happening and that's all we can do. At least she slept until 7.15am this morning which was a marked improvement and at least gave me some reserves to deal with it.

I had my appointment about my crazy PMS this afternoon and saw a very sympathetic and brilliant clinician. It was so nice to not feel judged (as being a time-waster - which has been my fear all along with this, I mean every woman gets PMS right?)

She reassured me that what I was describing was severe and a form of depression. And most importantly that it needed treating. So I have been prescribed some medication. I only take it half the month and it should help readdress the hormone imbalance. I've always been afraid of this type of medication but have had to park those thoughts. I need to get better first.

It's difficult writing about this on blip and I had to think long and hard today whether it was the right thing to do. But I've always been honest and if someone reads it and is going through the same thing, maybe it will help. And for me, I hope I can look back on it as a bad patch and something I recovered from.

Audrey pictured in the bath tonight, mid wobbler. Had given her more toothpaste once already but I refused to keep dispensing it ad infinitum. Cue, meltdown. You gotta laugh!

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