
The end of a very turbulent week, no drama driving and it's half term to boot. Bloody brilliant. If only I hadn't spent so long fannying around taking pictures of me working then perhaps I would have finished before 6:30.

The wine was only added after 5. Honest.

Will had his third dentist appointment in about 2 months. This was was the tiny visit. Just a bit of coating on two teeth, approximately 10% of his two previous visits. Of course this was the time he cried his eyes out and we had to stop after one tooth. We are taking a 3 month break now which interestingly, people, takes us to the last week of the summer holidays.

Thank goodness it's my birthday in three months and two weeks or else I might get a bit depressed about that.

Living in the moment though: I have one working day in the next 9.....

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