
By CafeMistblick

Sting in the tail

As I do most days had a quick look at the bee hives while downing my first cup of coffee. Often will take a quick look under the top cover.

And then I thought I would take a closer look but being lazy did it without dressing up, just wearing Tshirt, shorts and sandals. Took off the top honey chamber and seeing the middle level packed started to take out the frames. When I got half way through to where the mass of bees were noticed they were getting a bit agitated so went indoors and got hood, gloves and the smoker. Returned and continued but didn't don the garments. Didn't take long and one sat in my hair. Tried shaking it off without success and my efforts of a slow stroke failed and resulted in my first ever sting.

Luckily I am a "thick skulled" so the pain was not great and I now know for sure I don't have an allergy to bee stings. Last October, my grandson Elliot was the first to be stung also on the skull and he was very brave so I had to measure up and also not complain.

Anyway - I didn't go further than the middle level and didn't find the queen. Frankly I am out of my depth and need MrB's help. On Flickr have posted the photos of the middle floor frames for him to look at (please!)

In the evening noticed they were clustering at the entrance, I hope because it was too warm (30°C today) and not because they may be about to swarm.

I suspect a honey extraction session is on the cards soon.

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