Napier Degree Show

I was up at Napier for the degree show tonight. Sadly my former students who were on the Design & Digital Arts course this year weren't there. One of them had her work on show but wasn't there and the other had to defer before the end of the term for personal reasons.

I loved Amalia's work for Interaction Design though. HEr final piece was a small Perspex cube with headphones attached which viewers were encouraged to pick up and wander about with. When you reached certain points in the room it would light up in different colours and start playing messages. I reckon it would have immediate applications in things like galleries and museums, but down the line I reckon advertising companies would be looking for more immersive experiences like that. PEople will only engage so much with traditional media, but give them something to play with, regardless of age, and suddenly they become engaged....

I loved the Photography stuff this year and really liked the Graphic Design stuff as well. It's worth a look if you're passing.

It was great to catch up with colleagues and former students too. And good to HEar Amit has finished his Graphic Design Course and gone straight into employment.

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