Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

Anyone for some bouncing?

Dropped P off at nursery and was pleased to discover that after their recent ofstead inspection they have been awarded a grade of 'outstanding'. This is great and made my morning.

Me and A then headed out to the shops. I love shopping at that time in the morning. I have the place virtually to myself. I got some craft supplies and a new raincoat and wellington boots for P. I then treat myself to breakfast in costa!

This afternoon we have had some almighty thunderstorms. It sounded like it was right above our house and I'm sure the windows shook with each rumble. The kids weren't fazed at all but I was actually a little bit scared myself!

To pass the time I decided to try A in his door bouncer. He seemed to quite enjoy it and mastered spinning around rather quickly. He even gave Mr J a demo this evening.

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