Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

Argh scary monster!

Nana has been round today. Not seen her for two weeks because of holidays, so P was very excited when she heard the knock at the door this morning. She also came bearing gifts. My dad has so kindly potted some geraniums for me, to liven up the garden and harvested some of his home grown veggies for us. Thanks dad!

We all went to music class and had lots of fun. P was messing around with Oscar and A managed the whole hour without any crying or wanting to feed! When we got home I gave the front lawn a hair cut whilst nana entertained the kids. I also tried A with a bottle of formula. I thought if I'm going back to work then I best get trying ASAP. I was expecting a fight, but he took the whole lot with no bother at all!! I was feeling a little dejected....I thought he might have taken a little more convincing than that! At least I know he won't starve at nursery.

This afternoon me and P sat down and played with her new sticker book and I really rather enjoyed it, just as much as she did. Creating monsters is serious stuff. Here's one of P's creations....

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