Iconic Film Moments 1

I was chatting with Kath last week about themes for her camera club next year and I quite liked the 'iconic film moments' one myself, so I thought I would have a go today. The trouble was I needed a plane. I spotted a neighbour who has a toddler, we've only smiled and said hello in passing before, but hey ho I needed a plane for my blip. She didn't think he had one so I went home and had a rethink...but then the doorbell went, she had found one...yay!!!

A quick change of clothes, a bit of jiggery pokery with some wire then flinging myself around the garden and I had my first iconic moment. I returned the plane and showed my neighbour the pic, I think the look her little lad gave me said it all really ha ha ha. Thank goodness she has a sense of humour.

It was the writing group this morning and, yes, I had left things to the last minute...again. Actually, I had started it yesterday in the sunshine at Lyme Park but with the excitement of all the filming I was somewhat distracted, so it was an early start so that I could get it finished in time...fortunately I did. I even had time to go and vote en route.

I nipped to the Trafford Centre to take something back and bumped in to a parent from school from way back. We had a catch up and then I said, "So how old is Rebecca now, about 25??" she laughed out loud, "She's 33!!!" Oh Lordy, how old does that make me feel. In my defence I think she was one of the first classes I had.

So, can you name the film?

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