
By astudyinscarlet

<shivery tweeting>

many thanks to N, who manfully coped with having to feed the birds while i was away over xmas as well as check my pipes weren't frozen - but i think the birdies were glad to see me back, for extra peanut and mealworm treats! it's a bit like feeding the 5000 out there at the minute, there are so many new beaks popping in since the ground is so frozen and snowy. this chap (in warmer times here, i'm reasonbly sure it's the same one) was pottering about, but i couldn't get close enough for a real xmas card shot of him - it was far too cold to be stalking him for more than five minutes! poor fluffed-up little souls.


couple of backblips from the start of the year if you're interested.

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