twinned with trumpton


It's All In The Timing....

Day of childcare; breakfast punctuated by Tom telling me I've 'stolen' things from her house. How she continues to behave so badly is beyond me. She's got 98% of everything and still she can have the elder one say that?
After school drop off, twas a slow wander to Goldenacre for the dentist; I scored a £3 Boca Juniors fitba top (I didn't know that's who it was until later - I actually really fancied the Syrian national one but it wouldn't have fitted with the need to cycle in it, so CABJ won out. Dentist was surprisingly fine, then to Craigleith to get swingball as an early birthday present.

Home, made sandwiches, school, then off to collect G. We did our usual Barony Lane park start and meandered off down to her school, then Cigs spotting, the library at McD Road and a 16 home.

Mostly out in the garden and then did them dinner, and adults got pasta alle vongole later.

I had an quiet evening once I got them to bed; read some, spoke to Maw in Orkney.

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