
By JanPatienceArt

Same old story @goNORTHFEST

It's been such a busy first day back after the artastic long weekend in the south of France that I forgot I'd even taken a picture today.
I'm proofing the GoNORTH brochure and we're on a tight deadline ahead of the festival, which is in Inverness on June 4th and 5th.
I felt bad that I was away at the weekend when all the hard work was being done.
Just looking through the camera roll and found this snap of the line-up of a top session about storytelling which I won't be missing...
The festival director, Amanda, has rounded up a really interesting group from various genres, including crime writer, Denise Mina, singer-songwriter RM Hubbert, actor Billy Boyd, writing polymath, Chris Dolan and Father Ted legend, Michael Redmond.
This session is on the afternoon of Thursday 5th June. You can find out more about this creative cavalcade - described by one giddy delegate last year as being like South by South West without the sunburn - HERE.

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