
Good old NHS
Rang docs, got 8:50 appointment
Was home by 9:30 complete with bright yellow horse tranquillisers
Nasty bout of mastitis, (tmi, you can actually see where the infection is as the skin is bright red!)

Spent majority of the day asleep on sofa or in bed. William has spent some of the day cuddling me, some of it asleep and some just chilling.

Was lovely to have Charlotte home tonight, the first thing she said to be me was mummy ok?

Daddy had tickets for a gig in Bham tonight so after some checking with which neighbours were about if needed, he headed off. Bath time / bedtime wasn't too bad.

Just eaten my 'ping' meal (if I don't buy you a Ping meal you won't eat will you!

Sorting milk for the night, it's painful but taking paracetamol half an hour before seems to help, fingers crossed I feel better tomorrow - after all there is a Boden sale to get to!

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