Selfie sponge

Today's blip is courtesy of Charlotte
Part of bedtime routine now has William having milk in the expectation he will sleep whilst I put Charlotte to bed. The biggest issue with this is keeping Charlotte occupied. Today I showed her once how to take a picture on my phone, she took this selfie, as well as 189 other pictures of her face, shelf, drawer, foot, cat, curtain, floor..............

Felt human enough today to brave boden sale once I had consumed sufficient pain killers etc to get me through it. Arrived 9:59, mahousive queue of Boden clad ladies then some form of scrummage as everyone dived for their respective bargains. Got William three fab tshirts, train, tractor and digger! Charlotte got a gorgeous dress and some trousers and I got three tops! Left considerably lighter in the purse department!

Chilled time at home, William slept, I thought about doing stuff!

Popped into school on way to collect Charlotte, ended up seeing quite a few from my class as they had had a meeting about their forthcoming residential, lovely to see them- also got the heads deceleration for SATs completed and sent! One less worry!

Lee home, tea eaten, milk pumping

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