Lyme Park

Thank goodness for friends and blip and sunny days. I was still feeling fed up this morning but after a few quick texts I set off to Lyme Park to meet up with Chrissie. Mr Darcey has been removed from the lake, although I don't think a plastic model is as mouthwatering as Colin Firth, so it was no loss.

I've never been there before and I was really impressed by the place. The house was amazing and the grounds were stunning. We took loads of photos and then had a play about with different techniques. I think we were the entertainment as we lay on the ground trying out different action shots. We threw quoits on hoops and balls at skittles, it was hilarious.

We then had a shufty around the house, but you aren't allowed to take photos inside...apart from in the dressing up room! We tried on a few costumes and took some pics...I dread to think what Chrissie is posting today ha ha ha.

We are considering going back tomorrow as Maxine Peake and the rest of the cast from The Village are filming there, so it could be exciting.

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