
By CoffeePotter

Working at a snail's pace

Arrived home tonight from work - same old, same old - no blip. And then it started to rain - so no chance.

Gradually the rain ceased, so I trotted out to the garden to find one plant absolutely covered in very pretty snails (if that sort of thing appeals to you) and they all had their heads out, meandering about the leaves.

I couldn't spot any leaves that had been eaten very strangely. What were they doing on there if they don't like this particular flora?

This one in particular made me laugh. He looks more like a cartoon snail than a cartoon snail!

Anyway, I left them to themselves. I thought that if they could provide me with a blip, I could provide them with a home for the night. They can't have been shy snails - they'd all come out of their shells.

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