
14.0C with mist and cloud. Light breeze.

We have some Cosmos growing in modules in the greenhouse. The little border I will plant them in has been lying untouched for over a year. Big mistake. Our lawns have very invasive grass and between the grass, the weeds, a large Alchemilla mollis which had taken up residence, and a heather plant I wanted to get rid of it was quite a job to clear it. The border is about six feet by three feet but it took me an hour this morning and an hour this afternoon to clear it out and dig it over.

In between the digging and after lunch Maeve the Deerhound and I went for our walk. We went down the field to the shore and along the beach to Westhaven. The tide was well out. The new boat was moored out at the far end of the channel in the rocks. The owner of Shamara II was working about near his boat. No sign of him getting it into the sea yet.

There were a lot of stones on the beach today, brought in by the tides since we were on the beach yesterday. There were pottery pieces to be found amongst them. I thought this one rather unusual amongst the mostly blue pieces.

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