Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

There Was No Bread In The Shop,

So, to stave off boredom, (I find toast both fascinating AND nourishing),,,,

I asked the pseudo-Nephew for my Playstation back.

He duly obliged, and arrived with carrier bag in hand, to disgorge THIS mess...

(Wont say too much, as I gained a controller and a memory card, but no SWBFII)

And I can forgive this chap much, as, once upon a time, when I was 1 of 3, and looking after him while the Elders were in Chile, I(we) failed to diagnose a perforated eardrum.

I still feel sick at the memory.

Which reminds me of his cousin, Cappy, (previously blipped), now all grown up.

Watching tv in a neighbours house one day, (One Man and his Dog), Pauline, walking past, asked what was he watching.

"LAMB RACING!!!!" was his perfect, unforgettable, reply.

Now I have to disentangle this shite.......

Please vote for this as Most Pointless Blip Of The Year So Far.

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