Sarah's 2014

By nellie0508

Delicious Dinner

Today was the first day without Paul so Eric was on the early and I was on the mid shift. It was a fairly standard day, we didn't get anything new in for Frozen and the fixture is starting to look a little light. A few return to stocks for other franchises though which will be good for the weekend.

I left a voicemail and email for Emma and she called back later in the afternoon to say that there hadn't been much progress in terms of moving but she would probably see how things were after the weekend, which seems fair, so I will try her on Monday or Tuesday.

After work I came home to find that Luke had spoiled me for tea and bought all the little veggie pastry treats I like from M&S with a delicious crispy salad and egg custards for dessert. We ate dinner whilst watching the finale of the X-Men trilogy, the Last Stand, and then I packed up my things for my weekend in Manchester for Steph's hen party.

Today I am grateful for Luke's continued efforts packing up the house for our move whilst I am at work.

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