Last week of Preschool/Kindergarten

Today was Alex's last Monday of his Preschool Kindergarten class before he heads off into the land of "Big Kid Public School" and gets lost from mommy forever. Ok, maybe I'm being a little dramatic on that last bit, but I have a feeling Wednesday's graduation ceremony will require a box of tissue for me or at least a waterproof cover for my camera as I say goodbye to his safe little red schoolhouse.

After school, Alex and I spent lots of time preparing end-of-the-year gifts for MOPS moms, Moppet helpers and his teacher/Aunt Carin as we have our last MOPS meeting tomorrow and school ending on Wednesday. Busy afternoon of painting, planting, writing (lots of 'thank you'), and assembling our tokens of appreciation.

Lots of playtime with neighborhood friends this evening and we finished it off with a haircut from daddy to clean him up before his graduation ceremony this week. No arguing on this one as he said he "want(s) to look good".

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