A Dog's Dinner

By G

Modem Blues

Yet another cold and frosty day today with the temperature never getting anywhere near freezing but again we managed to get a mile or two's walk in this afternoon before coming home to hot chocolate.

Actually most of the morning was spent trying to sort out my modem problems with BT -and still it's not resolved. I've rebooted till the cows come home, I've cleared caches, I've defaulted to factory settings umteem times but still I can only access one or two sites, Blipfoto included, and at ponderously slow speeds.

The outcome? I'm getting a new modem which should arrive just as we're heading back to Edinburgh. Good eh?

Now BB can't comment - so please forgive her, normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.

BTW - spot the deliberate mistake in the ISO settings on the camera?

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