
By Angelique


Well it wasn't actually when I took this photo. We had just had a large thunder storm and I had been trying to catch a shot of the lightning. From Matthew's top floor window all I could get was the light bouncing back from the glass so I had decided to come outside but by then the storm had passed over.

As Mr A had painted the metal wand today so technically it is finished and in the ground, I wanted to see what it looked like at night! I will probably make a few adjustments tomorrow, but I hope you agree, it looks quite effective.

So we have had some much needed rain this evening and probably more tomorrow. It's amazing how quickly the garden dries up and needs rain.

I'm glad Monday is nearly over. Still not a sound from the estate agent and no work yet for Mr A. If you see us busking on the street corner.........!

I was asked the other day was I worried? What good would that do? I'm still sleeping like a log and quietly waiting patiently. I have made my request, we now have to wait!!

Hope your Monday has been good wherever you are and thankyou for taking part in my daily walk. Until we meet up again, cheers. Sending hugs ~~~~~xx

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