Going Like The Clappers.

We are now looking after the monsters from before breakfast.
It makes for a long day.
Especially when The Cygnet has a day off from nursery.

After a rather messy breakfast (squirrel insisted on eating her porridge with her hands) we went out for a walk with the monsters on their scooters and spent over an hour at the playpark.

The playing fields almost looked like they had a very heavy frost on them with all the daisies out.
That is what I was trying - and failing - to shoot when The Cygnet came back hell for leather to see what I was doing.
While we were at the park there were two roe deer appeared.
they were coming closer and closer and were just about within range of the camera when squirrel spotted them.
They weren't very taken with her ear splitting scream of excitement and took off at speed.
She was rather disappointed but still managed to shout "bye" and wave in the general direction of where their bums vanished into the trees.

There was a hell of a quick change in the weather mid afternoon with rain and thunder appearing from nowhere.
Then there was the steam rising from the roads as we headed home (to where some eejit had taken up both the parking bays outside the house).
And then the thunder and monsoon rain came back for a while.

Evening has been spent with SWMBO out walking with a friend and her dog (I hope it stays dry for them) and me doing the Chairman's report for the camera club AGM on Wednesday.

Now for a nice relaxing bottle of Golden Glory beer.................................

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