Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


Today was a day of getting fixed...Mr Miele Man came to fix the tumble drier this morning, which turned out to be something electronic and as it was still under guarantee there was thankfully no charge. After lunch I went to physiotherapy to get myself fixed - I have been suffering with 'tennis elbow' for a few months now and have ignored it but it has got too painful to ignore for any longer.

Not only is my computer not working properly but my email account got hacked last night so everyone in my address book and people that I have emailed in the past got very weird messages from me - including my sons' teachers, embarrassing or what? Thankfully Mr Computer Man is coming on Wednesday and I fear he will be here for some time.

Before fetching Thomas from school I went for a quick visit to Hatchlands Park (near Guildford) to see if there were any bluebells left - there weren't, but the beautiful manor house (built in 1756) is always a beautiful sight especially on this the hottest day of the year so far - it got to 26C.

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