
By LadyFindhorn

Winter Wonderland#2

Just as the snowy vistas were being eroded by time and temperature, we opened the curtains this morning to discover a new winter wonderland. The snow had fallen overnight silently and secretly and had transformed the world once more into a place of beauty and magic.

His Lordship and I headed for a walk to Blackford Pond and then on to Morningside hoping to find a coffee shop open. Any readers of my blips will have gathered that coffee shops rate high on our list of priorities.

It is lovely that on a day like this everyone is cheerful and talkative. I had a chat with a youngish father and his 10 year old daughter in the coffee shop and it followed similar conversations I have had lately with people of a similar age to his. They tell me they can only remember such a cold spell as this back in the 1970's. Then I say well, the winter of 1962/63 was really bad. They look a bit bemused but when I continue and mention that the winter of 1947 was baltic and the roads were frozen and snowy for several months with long slides down the middle of them because there were few cars then, and there was skating on Blackford Pond , you can see their eyes glaze over, a horrified smile on their faces while they wonder if you lived in the time of Queen Victoria.
It never fails to surprise me that there is a whole middle aged generation who don't remember any time before the 70's.

This afternoon I'm expecting daughter#1 and Magpie to come to drink to the New Year and keep me up to speed with the gossip from that generation.

This blip is a snowy Blackford Pond
Edit: In BIG you can just see the head of Arthur's Seat

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