Climbing Farm

What a fabulous day we've had today!
I will be backblipping yesterday at some point which will explain why we woke up at Mrs Z and Mr K's house.
Delicious banana Weetabix (who knew?!!) for breakfast and a couple more hours chat and then we said goodbye and headed off to Mead Open Farm near Leighton Buzzard.
Miss E always called it Pick Up Farm because her absolute favourite thing was picking up the rabbits and guinea pigs. Other children came and went but she was transfixed for the full half hour they were out.
This morning we were an hour early for the pick up session so we had our picnic and a play in the fabulous adventure playground until it was time.
The Little Misses went bounding into the barn excitedly. I stayed outside with our things as Mr K had gone to get cups of tea.
Miss E came out five minutes later with her arms crossed and a look on her face aiming for nonchalance but only managing sadness and disappointment.
She said it was rubbish and kept trying to shrug as if it didn't matter all the while trying not to cry.
It turns out the lady had said you can't pick up the rabbits, just sit and stroke them.
It doesn't sound a big deal but Miss E was heartbroken. She literally named the farm after her favourite activity and now discovered she couldn't do it anymore.
I know I'm far too sensitive where Miss E's concerned but I wanted to cry. Nothing I could do or say could make it better for her.
And the memory of her sitting there on a hay bale looking sad, hoping they'd hop onto her knee makes me want to cry now!
But the day took a massive upward turn when we went round to the climbing wall Miss E loved it! And she was fantastic!
She climbed up over and over, getting to the top and then throwing herself off backwards to let the rope lower her back down.
Unfortunately she doesn't weigh enough and often the man had to climb up and give her a tug!
After about half an hour she wanted to try the new Sky Trail - a course of ropes and beams twenty feet up in the air. You wear a harness and get clipped on to a beam above the ropes.
Oh my goodness it was high and wobbly.
And I look terrible in a harness!
It was fabulous!
And Miss L had fun on the mini course much lower down. Just brilliant!
Halfway round Miss E took my hand and said "I'm going to call it Climbing Farm from now on"
And she couldn't stop beaming!
It was such a beautiful sunny day and the Little Misses had such a great time - in the sandpit, climbing, sliding, eating ice cream, swinging, feeding goats and donkeys, crazy golfing and generally running round having fun.
I love Climbing Farm!!

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