Butter Wouldn't Melt!

The Little Misses were straight out into the garden when we got in from school tonight. Planting conkers that they'd found. 
Miss L mixed equal quantities of compost and water and thought the resulting oozy mud was very fun to squelch her fingers in and throw all over the place. When I asked her what she was up to, this was the response I got!
I had a lazy day. Tea first thing at Mrs M's new house, then to my dad's shop to see if I've sold any cards. They've been under my bed for the past year or so and I finally got round to ordering some hanging display racks and getting them into the shop last week.
I've sold one. Woohoo!!! 
Someone liked one of my pictures enough to part with actual real money for it!!
Just another few thousand and I'll have enough money to buy all the stuff I'm looking at for our new house!!

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