Order in the Ranks

His Lordship wakened me this morning at 7am. Now even I consider that slightly too early for a Sunday morning with no gym visit scheduled. I was allowed to lie abed until 8 am, but by 8:45 we were out into a breezy overcast morning to breakfast at our favourite café, an erstwhile funeral parlour , but now a trendy watering hole where one must arrive early to get the toast and marmalade before the entrance of noisy children and equally noisy hen parties holed up at the adjacent hotels.

And yes the extended family from hell arrived to sit too close for comfort, with a one year old in a high chair who was obviously starving and screamed his protest at having to wait at the bottom of the feeding chain while the rest of the family tucked into their cooked breakfasts.

I must get a female version of the notice HL bought which says 'Founder Member of the Grumpy Old Ladies' Club'. The older I get the more I seem to be turning into my late intolerant spinster aunt; I must try and get a life.

It might well be a heatwave south of the border, but here in Edinburgh, my Internet weather forecast said it felt like 11 degrees at 10am, and I can't disagree, but I see the sun is making a comeback and we are likely to see a heady 14 degrees this afternoon. Bring it on!

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