I am many?!

Oh if it were true that I had managed to sit down for any length of time today to relax. But no.

My sleep patterns are all out of kilter - for the last week, since the monstrous headache, I have been waking up in the night, between 2.30 and 4 am, finding it very difficult to get back to sleep, and then of course, I am like a slug in the morning and am sleeping till late morning (today it was just before twelve - and Yes, I do feel guilty, but genuinely, I'm soooo tired).

Anyway, today has been largely about getting ready to go back to work - I have more marking to do shortly, but that will have to wait until I have been to the supermarket to do some food shopping. Lots of data analysis done today, and yet more tidying up in the house. How can it get untidy with just 3 of us here?!

I've been wanting to have a go at layering multiple me's (ego problem?!) ... I did another one here - wasn't sure which I prefered so this one got posted.

OK, brace myself for Asda.


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