Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

Pedal car!

Off to the swimming pool again this morning. P was a bit less sure about it this time but we got her to go on some of the slides and a trip round the rapids after lots of encouragement. Us adults also took it in turns to watch the kids so we could have a go on the slides too. The new Cyclone slide was immense! I don't think I've ever screamed so much!

After swimming we went for a delicious lunch. Meatball panini is just the job after a swim. A was completely zonked and just slept in my arms the entire meal. He looked so cute and I tried my best not to slop any food on him. Unlike P who managed to cover her face from top to bottom with pasta sauce.

This afternoon we went on the pedal car. It was sooo much fun. Two adults on the back to pedal and steer and the two girls upfront. We took it turns to pedal and we could get up to quite a speed. The girls loved it and kept shouting 'faster! Faster!' and dinging the bell.

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