Saint Sophia von Rom

Better known as "Cold Sophie", she is the last of the Ice Saints and the only female. So in honour of this fact, I have used one of Angie's photos for my Blip. A deer behind the house but as can be seen, a male of the species.

Sophie is rather a nice name. I can only think of one Sophie and she is a long way away from any danger of frost, in Jacksonville, Florida - if Tino reads this, greetings to all, especially Sophie!

There have been some areas with frost today, but it looks like the frost danger for us is over. However unlike 95% of Germany, we down here in the very far south will not be enjoying the sun & warmth until at least Sunday. Having had a week of arctic polar air from the north-west jammed up against the alps, we are now being attacked from the south-east by bad weather causing all sorts of problems in the Balkans.

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