Dandelions and Dog

I took the dog from 'The big house' for a walk this evening.

She's an old lady now, but still enjoys a romp in the meadow that is awash with dandelion clocks at the moment.

I heard a cuckoo this morning. The now rare sound is a delight and worthy of recording. I didn't hear any last year.

The cuckoo always brings to mind the wonderfully evocative song by Simon and Garfunkel: April

Come she will,
When streams are ripe
And swelled with rain.

She will stay,
Resting in my arms again.

She'll change her tune,
In restless walks,
She'll prowl the night.

She will fly,
And give no warning
To her flight.

Die she must,
The autumn winds
Blow chilly and cold.

I remember,
A love once new,
Has now grown old.

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