Alchemilla Mollis

I love the way the leaves of Alchemilla Mollis unfurl as if created by a hyperactive Origamist.

How could I resist when they were bejewelled to boot?!!

I have been on a linguistic learning curve today, my vocabulary has increased with the addition of two new words.

Spaced. pronounced

Usage example:
A car drove up to the farm gate thinking it would open, whereas there is a button on a fence post that needs pressing. As I was walking the dog, I pressed said button.
The guy in the car wound down the window to thank me and then asked:

"Have you been to the spa? It's spaced."

I looked blank.. " The Spa? er yes."

"It's spaced" said the girl sitting next to him.

"Yeah, it blew our minds." He said

"Right, so you enjoyed it then?"

" Yeah, it was spaced."

And as they drove off I could smell a variety of spa products escaping through the open car window.

The other new word in my vocabulary will have to wait for tomorrow!

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