New Year's Day tradition

It has been six years since our family initiated our New-Year's-Day-at-the-beach tradition. All the family members who are available on January 1, trek out to Headland's Beach State Park on Lake Erie for a walk and, of course, a photo opp. This year the group included Bob and me, and our youngest daughter Alison, her entire family, and both dogs (Milly and Gulliver). Weather-wise, today wasn't a good day to go to the beach. Bob even had the audacity to suggest that we change the date of this event by six months. I told him that any family could go to the beach on July 1, but only the truly hardy (and crazy) could go on January 1. Here's another picture to show how inhospitable the beach was today. You can be sure we headed for home as soon as we took the pictures. No playing in the sand today.

Later in the afternoon, Bob and I bundled up again and went down to the park to feed the smallest deer her holiday meal. Bob was wondering how long it would take us to find her, when she came running through the woods right to us. We have no idea how she does it, but she finds us.

Home again from our second walk, we had supper, and I came to the computer to upload my pictures. That was the first day of 2010 here in Northeastern Ohio. It was a good one. I hope yours was just as good. Happy New Year to all you Blippers, and happy blipping in the year ahead.

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