Billy Goat

By billygoat

Moonrise over the Blackwater

The view from the club Bungalow again. Night falling and the tide rising.

Been working on the boat to get her ready for launching tomorrow.
Took the dinghy down today - many oohs and aahs from other members, then went out, found my mooring buoy and put the mooring strops on - loads of cuts on my hands from the barnacles on the bottom of the buoy when I'd finished.
Then this afternoon cleaned all the hull with colour restorer and then did it again with wax/protector.
Totally knackered now.

BTW the boat with its beak in the mud is a Horizon 21 and they all sit like that when the tide goes out. I've yet to see if they gently change from level to bow down or suddenly dive over forward!

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