
4years 206days

Katie "humoured" me this morning when I asked her to try her new dress on for photos for my blog. In reality, she has been itching to get this dress on. Its been hung looking so adorable since I finished it, with me having to frequently explain why she can't wear it before the wedding its made for, or why its not ideal for her to wear to nursery. So today she twirled it, flounced it's skirt and enjoyed the early morning grass in her toes. It's one of my favourite ever makes, between it being my favourite fabric and an adorable pattern.

We are playing at home this morning. She read three books to me in bed first thing, and has spent much time since then reading to her friends. She's changed into a beautifully twirly skirt that her friend has given her so she's dancing around her playroom a lot! We are heading out for lunch with Bobbobs and family. The girls have not seen each other for AGES, she is very excited.

We will then head out to the train for ballet before both falling in a heap to sleep on return!

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