Momentous Occasion!!

This is the first fresh-run salmon my husband has caught since we moved to Scotland 8 years ago and he hasn't stopped grinning all day:-) He had previously caught other salmon called celts, but they apparently don't count, as they are fish that have already spawned and are on their way back to sea. Such is the etiquette of salmon fishing!

This beauty weighed 8 pounds and is known as a "bar of silver" because she has none of the reddish colour that comes after she has spawned, but was on her way upstream to mate and lay her eggs some day soon. She was handled with the greatest respect and released gently back into the River Tay, so that she can continue on her way, leaving only this photo as evidence:-)

Confession - I didn't take the picture! Another fisherman did and emailed it to my husband, who was so thrilled that he agreed for it to be blipped:-)

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