Sunbathing weather - yay!!!

This afternoon Ann came home from work, ran upstairs, took most of her clothes off, OK too much information, and said, ‘Molly, I’m going to lie on my sun lounger for a couple of hours.’

I was really, really cross because when Ann comes home from work I usually go on my walk.

However today she said, ‘Molly, we have to make the most of the sunshine. You go and lie in a shady spot and we’ll go for your walk about 4.30pm’.

I didn’t want to lie in a shady spot. I wanted to go for my walk. So I devised a very clever cunning plan………………………

…………………What I did was……………… I kept going up to Ann and nudging her with my cold wet nose, until eventually she said, ‘OK Molly, we’ll go for your walk now, but we’re not going very far.’

We went to the end of the lane and back which only took about half an hour. And as soon as we got back Ann jumped straight back onto her sun lounger again. Honestly why she wants to look like a wrinkly old prune I don’t know??

Anyway she said, ‘Molly, I won’t go to my jewellery making class tonight because the weather is much too nice to be indoors. I’ll take you for another walk later to see the sunset.’

Sooo, that was the plan………………. Ann’s had one glass of wine on her wine drinking chair but there’s a few clouds forming in the sky now.

I’m still going to get an extra walk but we don’t think the sunset is going to be anything special…………………………..

………………….So here I am on the sun terrace.

Updated 9.40pm - The sunset was pretty lovely after all, so being the very clever collie that I am; I've changed the original photo into a collage. There's a full moon too but unfortunately our photo of that didn't come out too well. xx

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