Hanging about

........................Waiting for the rain to stop.

This morning I went for my walk in the rain. Ann wore boots and an anorak. Obviously she wore other clothes as well! Honestly! Boots and an anorak in May? Grrrrrrrrrrr.

When she came home from work at lunchtime the rain was torrential. She got soaked walking from the car into the house. She said, 'Molly, we're not going any where exciting for your walk this afternoon. I've got lots of domesticated chores to do and then we'll go for a little trek around town.'

So I had to lie in the kitchen and wait while she tidied the understairs cupboard, hoovered the house and did some ironing. What an exciting life my owner has! Anyway, by the time she'd done all that it had stopped raining.

We trekked around town and popped into the 'St Ives Holidays' office so that Ann could have a chat with her ex colleagues. I had to do more waiting!! Apparently the Queen is coming to town on Friday so everyone has gone into 'patriotic mode'!!

Next we went to the Post Office where I did even more waiting!!!!! Ann's off to Poland at the beginning of June (I'm staying with her sister again). I had to wait for ages while Ann chatted to the Post Office lady about everything from Polish currency to Polish weather to Polish people to Polish tourist attractions.

Just got home before the rain started again. It's also very, very windy now. Heating is on, I've had my dinner and am curled up on the rug. The rain is torrential again.

What a lot of hanging around and waiting I've had to do today!!!!!!!!!

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