The Cool Seikh

I had a difficult morning at work after an early start and when I left the office at 2pm, ravenous after a six hour snackless stint at at the computer, my head wasn't in the best of places. I walked into town pretty much locked in my own mind. A year ago I would have picked up a sandwich and returned to my desk without any interaction with anyone. Now, I cannot help but bump into people I know, which kickstarts the process of bringing me back out of myself into the real world - and which then leads to engagements with strangers. In a relatively short time I ended up talking to a whole host of people. I returned to the office in an altogether brighter mood.

There were more difficulties in the afternoon, enough normally to have driven me to despair, but I managed to keep the spirits high and despite being quite late back home I found the energy for a run on the moor. It was rather wonderful to be out on the tops at 9pm with plenty of daylight remaining. The light evenings happen almost before you know it. I really want to make better use of them this year. They pass as quickly as they come.

Singh here had to be posted in colour. He was very cool. I normally try to get people to remove their dark glasses but I rather liked the way he looked in his slightly incongruous shades.

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