The First Mug of Tea

I confess to an addiction, one other than blipping. I do not function in the morning without a mug of tea. I do not really function fully until I've imbibed my second mug of tea. Then I am set to face the challenges that each day invariably presents - or those that I seek out. A day without some kind of challenge is to me a day gone unlived. And I cannot live a day without tea - or coffee when I happen to be on the continent.

There is a certain ritual involved. There is very little tolerance around the making of the perfect cup of tea. The strength and the proportion of milk has to be just right. Starting the day with either a stewed or an overly milky and weak mug of tea is a bad omen. It sets the wrong tone. The providence of the day is disturbed at its outset. The right space is also important to provide a calm centre and point of origin from which the day's activities ahead can be planned. It should be light and uncluttered to reflect externally the internal feeling of the tea clearing the mind, dissolving away the residue fuzziness left from a night of deep sleep.

In ... my ... dreams!

If only it could be just like this. I actually never finished my first mug of tea this morning, or my toast, gulping it down as I flew out of the door trying to make sure I didn't miss the train again. I did though take a moment here at work this morning because of the photographic opportunity, a few minutes of sunshine between heavy showers. The weather has been cold and wild here. I knew there wouldn't be much time to get out with the camera today so I took this chance while I could. It was probably just as well. It's taken in our upstairs meeting room, directly above my office. Blipped here is the outside view of the same window.

The response to yesterday's shot took me quite by surprise. I didn't have a lot in the camera so it pretty much chose itself. I was lucky. Just a case of whipping the camera out from my back pocket and shooting. There was only time for one photo before the sheep had all disappeared down the track to the farm. They were shifting! So thanks for all the surprise hearts and lovely comments. You gave me a much needed boost last night. I really appreciated it.

OK. Running for the train home now. Time always seems to be slipping away. Will try to pop back later.

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