Breaking News

About a month ago I posted this shot of Beak House with the comment that it was upside down because we were head over heels after some news and promised further details.

On Friday, the news was confirmed: we're going to be grand parents for the first time! Our daughter Kate and her boyfriend Joel went for her first scan on Friday morning and phoned, literally as we were boarding the plane to Carcassonne, that all was well and the baby is due at the beginning of December, just about the time of Tess's BIG birthday.

As you can imagine it's caused a lot of excitement and joy - and lots of reason for having another celebratory drink at the weekend, especially as my sister and brother-in-law who were with us in Carcassonne, had heard that week that they were also going to be grandparents (for the 6th time in their case!)

It also meant we spent an hour in the travel agents this afternoon re-arranging the holiday we booked some time ago to coincide with Tess's birthday; luckily we were able to re-book it for next January.

Of course we're far too young to be grandparents really!

Another right-way-up blip of Beak House from today's golf round seemed fitting.

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