Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


Worming tablet today (Archie). The instructions read, ‘Give as a treat’. Good. I made him sit, congratulated him, and treated him with the yummy tablet, which looked like his kibble, but slightly bigger.

After a bit of munching, he spat it out. Hmmm. I broke it up a bit and put it in my treat bag, so that when we were going through his repertoire of tricks, I could slip one in. Nope, he spotted it and spat it out. It's amazing what they will happily eat - all sorts of disgusting things, but this wee innocuous looking 'biscuit' was not one of them!

He hasn’t been eating much since he came, so I tried him on some other puppy food. He loves it and munched through a whole lot for breakfast. So for lunch I hid the the bits of the half chewed worming tablet in his new yummy food. Success!

He also got a new harness. I think it’s better than a collar - he could pull out of his collar anyway - it wouldn’t go any smaller. He’s not keen on the new harness. It does look rather large on him, and it could be hot in the summer. However, he’s been trying it out today and can play for ages until he remembers how annoying it is and goes bonkers.

He had a French visitor today - our ex-neighbour, who hot-footed it round after her husband popped in last night and was most taken with the New Arrival. She thought he was a fine wee chien. She also offered to puppy sit, but as she’s expecting a baby in October, so I don’t think that’s a long term solution…

So this is Himself, prancing around in his new harness, checking out my Archie-proofing of the Archie proofing. The square frames are for tying plants up, and he (we) discovered right away that they’re puppy head sized. So there was a frantic phone call to JR yesterday to pick up some more garden fencing.

The puddle is not piddle. Well, a tiny bit was - I swish it with loads of water as soon as he does it. Which he then drinks.

PS The Morocco photo book arrived today. 120 pages. A good souvenir of the trip.

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