Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

One week!

Well, wee Archie has been with us a whole week. Seems longer... Especially at 5am.

He knows his name - knew that right away. He comes when called, sits really well - a real fast plonk down. He can do 'Down' and almost do 'Leave' and this afternoon he was consistently giving a paw. Will try again this evening.

As soon as I can trust him to know he must go outside to piddle (he had another wee lapse this afternoon - he drinks so much water) then his horizons will expand - he's restricted to the kitchen at the moment. Which means I am too, apart from comings and goings to get him used to being on his own without crying.

While he was dozing in his crate (actually, just watching me going in and out both kitchen doors without complaining) I moved a few bags of firewood into the inside cupboard to make room for the imminent delivery of a huge lot of semi-dried firewood for next winter. Which necessitated hoovering the hall rugs. Dropped the hoover a couple of times, though not on purpose. He was just lying in his crate looking out, not worried about it. All good.

For those who think he's a dear wee sweet darling puppy who can do no wrong - he has another side. At times he goes bonkers! Crazily biting everything and charging about like a wild animal. I wanted to get a shot of that wild eyed look today.

This shot made me laugh, so you'll just have imagine the wild eyes. I will need to give him a wee haircut...

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