
By TynvdB

Grazing horses on the riverside meadow

Again this day unfolded itself as an Autumn day. Not very inviting to leave home and risk to be caught by a shower. “What has happened to that highly active starting power, you displayed two months ago?”, I asked myself trying to find a new excuse to lean back in the couch and read. In fact I don’t know the answer. During the last weeks a lot has changed. We are moving towards another future. I have told you about our decision to ground our main living here in Carlsheaven. Which means that we will have to change and move a lot of “things” from there to here. And to make room will also mean leaving a lot of things - and there and here.

There is more at stake here than only the shredding of “personal archives”: books, papers, all connected with a past without future. By the way, lately MariB wished me the mental force of a bolt-cutter! Ha, many thanks for that trouvaille! I realize our choice is pointing towards a spiritual way of being, which will no longer have that imprint of primary ego-relatedness. And that means a comprehensive approach of “cutting through spiritual materialism”. Because there is always that existential pitfall of shifting from primary ego-centred materialism (“ My things”) to an idealistic spiritual attitude that reinforces your egocentricity (“My spiritual “sacrifice”) .

An example of those ways to avoid your “descent into Hell” or “Nekyia”...of which I told you yesterday. So I’m searching for a mindful practice, reloading my energy to handle my mental bolt-cutter. And in this respect I’m not sure any more that running uphill-downhill-first-thing-in- the-morning is “panacea” or universal medicine. I’m sorting out other ways of excercising, more diverse and interchangeable, than my previous early-morning-scheme contained. This afternoon for instance, we were glad to leave home and make a short walk around and down to the Weser riverside. Just in-between two heavy showers. Just in time to make some photos while the sun broke through. Nothing special: a pair of grazing horses on the riverside meadow. Darkgreen hillside. A few blue open spots in the white-grey sky. Just a shared moment of fresh release together. Leaving behind and starting anew. Forgetting cares and thoughts and many ‘should’s’ and ‘ought’s. A moment of living poetry.

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