An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Let there Be Light...

A horrible, rainy start to the day with Alan insisting he didn’t want his jacket on to go to school! In the end we came to a compromise…..he had to put it over his knees to keep his legs dry. He’s only going from the front door to the school minibus in the driveway then getting dropped at the door of the school (which is undercover) so it’s not as though he’d get soaked, but I always think it looks bad if he turns up with no jacket on. At least it wasn’t cold or I’d have insisted he wore it. Overbearing caring mum that I am :))

Just before he left the painters arrived. The hope of working outside at that point was non existent so W set to work in the snug (getting freshened up after a roof leak that stained the ceiling) and A went to the Gin Palace to carry on painting the inside.

I got myself organised and right on cue at 10.30 my old work pal Anne (ex work pal I should say, not old :) arrived for a catch up and lunch. Not seen her since before Christmas so it was great to catch up on all that’s been happening with her. We had lunch and chatted until she had to leave at 2pm. How quickly the hours disappear when you’re having a good old natter with a friend you’ve not seen in a while. Thanks Anne for lovely natter and the flowers and smelly stuff. We won’t leave it so long next time.

Things brightened up this afternoon and the painters managed to get back outside and get on with the last of the house stuff. My little bluebell patch in the garden is bursting into life so despite it being a tad dull, I couldn’t resist sneaking out to take some photos of them. A I snapped away I was thinking how great it would be if the sun shone, just for a moment, to give me a lovely comparison shot and low and behold someone must have been listening, as a moment later the sun made a very brief appearance before disappearing behind a cloud again. It’s brightening up again though so I might get back out for more shots in a little while.

Before that, there is a very hungry young man looking for potatoes so I better crack on.

And unless there’s an earthquake / flood / fire / Matt Damon looking for some lady company, then I will DEFINITELY be back for a blip catch up this evening. I have cleared the decks to make it happen!

Happy Monday Peeps :-)) xx

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